
Potrebitel- be aware of your rights.

Dear users,

the Bulgarian law system, defending users’ rights, is entirely governed with the European directives. Your main right is to be well informed about your liberties and to know how to react when they are infringed.

We, from Mobilio, have the humble ambition to help you in the realization and protection of this main right, by creating the application “Potrebitel”

“Potrebitel” extremely useful and beneficial tool. It is divided into three main sections:

  • Important information;
  • Navigator;
  • Send a complaint;

In the first one you will find simple and clear definitions of your main rights and the cases when they might be suppressed. There are also practical tips of what you should be aware of when buying certain products or signing a user-provider contract.

The “navigator” offers a set of institutions which you can contact if there is any problem. Not only brief descriptions of these organizations, but their phone numbers and addresses are represented as well.

So far you are familiar with the informative part of the product. The third section – “Send a complaint” – is the active part. After filling a list of details – personal and these of the potential violator – you can signalize one or more institutions about your case of intolerance.

The application is optimized and is working smoothly. Its design is simple, clear and in the same time not too plain. You won’t have any troubles to orient yourself throughout the tabs and the buttons.

This is the first version of “Potrebitel” and we truly hope that, with your help, the development of the product will continue. If you have any idea, suggestion or comment, please write us on [email protected].

“Potrebitel” is and will continue to be freely distributed in the biggest digital software store – Mac AppStore. There you can check our other great applications like BGLiveRadio (available for iOS and OSX), Kaldata (available for iOS and Android) and Seir.



Here you can see how to work with the app by watching our video tutorials.




File size: 0.9 MB

Latest Version: 1.0

Available for iOS


System Requirements:

iOS: 3.1 or later

Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.Requires iOS 3.1 or later.