10 SEO Tips and Tricks Part 2

After the first part of the 10 FREE SEO tips and tricks here comes and the second one. Below you can find the next bag of useful advices concerning the search engine optimizations of your site. Again I am saying that they are not ranked in any specific order – just randomly. All the 10 SEO tips and tricks are “evergreen” (always giving results) and if you put them into practice, success won’t be late! Of course there are a few things that should be looked for, concerning the latest Google’s updates – the Panda update, but I have done my best to mention them below.
6. Qualitative backlinks and internal linking – that is where the link juice is squeezed from!
Qualitative backlinks and the anchor text of those links are really important for the so-called link juice. The more link juice you have, the higher your positions will be in the rankings. Bear in mind that, with the backlinks, quality is more important than quantity. For example a link from a site with Google PR 6 generates more juice from 5 links from 5 different sites with PR 3. Furthermore the targeting niche, the content and the anchor text of the linking sites are also considered. The crawling bot evaluates the relevance between your and the other site. This means that you should not bombard random pages with your links because:
- The results will be minor and really unsatisfactory;
- The search engines will spot you and will put you in the “black list”;
A few years ago it was a common practice to put URLs in forum signatures or in spam posts but the engines developed and now they just ignore such links. What is more some of the forum systems automatically sign a “nofollow” value to the “rel” attribute of the links which basically says the bot not to evaluate them. Something else that got out of the picture recently was the mutual backlinking. You have a website for second-hand cars and I have a site for car accessories. We are in the same niche so we would both benefit from exchanging a few links with relevant anchor texts. Well not any more. Of course it is not a problem to do it with 1, 2 or 3 partner sites, but when the number grows too much the bot will “punish” you.
Talking about links in SEO it is inevitable not to mention the internal linking. It is really beneficial especially if your site has a blog or a forum. Putting connections to another articles or product descriptions practically creates paths for the search engine’s bot. When the crawler lands on a particular page and starts examining it, it instantly detects all the outbound links and follows them.
7. Relevant and good content! Use and position the Keywords wisely!
“Content is King!” – That is the main principle of most of the SEO experts. It is not any content but relevant content. I have already mentioned the keyword research and how important it really is. Well your content should gravitate around them. There are parameters like keyword density and keyword proximity that are crucial and can have influence upon your SERP positions. Basically keywords should be present in the page title, in the title of the article/product, all over the text and even in the domain (if the whole site is tightly oriented). Previously some were inserting hidden additional keywords by making them the same color as the background. They were invisible for the users but visible for the bots. The keyword density factor of such pages was reaching the roof but after the Panda update from Google, all the cheaters were simply banned. Take in account that keywords are not everything. You are writing for human beings that look for something useful not for estimating machines. The bots are considering other factors as well – average time spent on a page, bounce rate of the page, exit percentage. The optimum variant is to write content that will be decently evaluated by the crawlers, useful for the visitors and eventually rank higher.
8. Easy navigation!
There are two types of navigation – user navigation and bot navigation. For the user it is important to be provided with an intuitive menu at the top of the page from where he would choose where to go without any difficulties. The anchor text of the navigation buttons here is very important. Adopting the so-called breadcrumbs is also an advantage because they show the user how he/she had reached the current page and stimulates him to explore more.
As long as bot navigation is concerned there are few things to be done. The upper-mentioned internal linking would build kind of infrastructure of your site and when the crawler comes it will be eased. Furthermore the internal linking is important for the deep crawling that is a more profound examination of the site by the machines. If there is a content that you don’t want to be reached by the crawlers, then configure the robots.txt file from where you can define the access of every bot. Map site would be a good point too, not only for the bots, but for the visitors too. It is basically a table that shows the architecture of your site, making every single page accessible only with a single click.
9. Invite guest bloggers and make your content more diverse.
Good content is what can attract your visitors and make them return to your site. But after writing 50 articles you develop certain style of writing and usually users get bored with one and the same phrases, layout or way of presenting the information. Diversity is the solution and it can be easily achieved by inviting an expert or just another blogger, who are knowledgeable in your field, to write something. Thus part of his/her regular followers might show interest at your site.
Not only is the opinion of your colleagues important but that of your users as well. Comment section is really advisable. There are some Facebook plugins but they might make your site a little bit slower when loading. If you are using the WordPress platform then you have already seen that there is a build-in comment section in every page.
Moreover you can also write articles and comments on another blogs and posts. It is a good way to earn some reputation in front of a bigger audience and provide yourself with a set of backlinks. Of course the link-building should stay in the background – what is more important is to impress the readers and to attract new visitors who might turn into prospective clients.
10. Constant maintenance is last but definitely not least important!
404 errors are what might not only resent your users but also win you a black point in the crawlers list. You should constantly check your site for such damaged pages. A good idea is to include real-time customer support like the orange tab in the right bottom corner of this page, through which visitors will be able to alert you for problems immediately. Offline means of communication and feedback like an email is not credential, but mandatory! Your users have to know that you are thinking for them. Therefore they would stay for longer, share your content in the social webs and raise your site in the SERP. Again a good tool that would help you check the metrics of your site and make you always be SEO aware is the SEOAuditor. It is a compact product with very useful functionality.
Pretty much that is all guys. Hopefully the bag of tips and tricks will be handy and you will only benefit from it. Feel free to share your opinion upon the two articles, make suggestions, give feedback or add something else in the list. Here you can find all SEO tools made by Mobilio.