SEOAuditor & SEOggestor Now Available for Android OS

Good news for all Mobilio’s fans that are using Android OS – now they can be SEO aware and can know what the search engines will suggest them on their Android-powered diveces too! Our SEO tools – the SEOAuditor and the SEOggestor – are now available on the GooglePlay store and soon will be available on the Amazon App Store and on What the applications basically do is alleviating you and making the Search Engine Optimization easier to manage and maintain. SEOAuditor can show you the: Google PR, Alexa Ranking, SEOMoz DA and PA and data from the social networks while SEOggestor tells you the suggestions that pop up as a dropdown box in: Google, Amazon, Bing, Yahoo, YouTube abd Yandex right after starting to write a certain keyword combination. The design is simple, user-friendly and unifirom – one texboxt and three buttons. Of course judging the book by its covers it really wrong because SEOAuditor and SEOggestor can offer you great performance and extremely useful functionality. Give them a try and you will definitely “fall in love with them!” They are being distributed absolutely for FREE and with them you can make unlimited number of queries. If you need any further information about the two products visit out product pages or contact us. We will be glad to give you a hand!